Our services

KiesQOur services
Certified and specialized dentistry

KiesQ is a dental practice specialized in aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics and oral hygiene treatments. We also have great affinity with the treatment of children. In our practice, no amalgam is used.

To provide you with even better service, KiesQ aims to represent all dental specializations under one roof. We also strive to being reached by phone during business hours in the future.

Certified and specialized orthodontics

Dentist Karin Molhoek was trained and certified in becoming an orthodontic expert. Do you wish to regulate your teeth (or to put them straight), then we offer you various different types of brackets in our practice.

Invisalign is a technology to put your teeth straight by the use of “the invisible bracket”. Through “aligners” (translucent brackets) that are renewed every two weeks, the position of

your teeth is corrected. Wearing the Invisalign aligners is very comfortable, because it has no hard projections that irritate your mouth. Moreover, they are removable and therefore you can eat what you want (as opposed to a fixed bracket, where you have to consider eating certain food items.) Alternatively, because the aligners are removable, cleaning your teeth is perfectly easy.

Botox & Fillers

Botox® and Azzalure® are brand names, the active substance is Botulinum Toxin. It has been used in medicine since 1973, for treatments of neurological disorders. Botox blocks the nerve impulse from nerve to muscle, so that it is temporarily less powerful. After several months, the muscle activity recovers fully. In medical cosmetics, Botox® is a substance that is injected in order to reduce muscle activity in the face. As a result, the skin comes to rest and existing wrinkles fade. Moreover, this prevents the formation of new wrinkles.

Opening Hours

KiesQ Dental Care is open from monday to friday. Dental Care is available from 7.30am tot 8.30pm.

Call us at +31 (0)70 324 13 19