
What is Botox?

Botox® and Azzalure® are brand names, the active substance is Botulinum Toxin. It has been used in medicine since 1973, for treatments of neurological disorders. Botox blocks the nerve impulse from nerve to muscle, so that it is temporarily less powerful. After several months, the muscle activity recovers fully. In medical cosmetics, Botox® is a substance that is injected in order to reduce muscle activity in the face. As a result, the skin comes to rest and existing wrinkles fade. Moreover, this prevents the formation of new wrinkles.

For which wrinkles is it suitable?

In particular, the frown and forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. Also lines on the nose and

chin can be treated with Botox. In these areas, the skin is the most affected by the contraction of the muscles. Because after treatment with Botox the skin no longer folds, it can be restored and wrinkles fade. The wrinkle depth decreases generally 90% to 95%.

For which wrinkles is it not suitable? Among others, the nasolabial fold and wrinkles on the cheeks. In these areas, muscle activity is indispensable, and another treatment is recommended, for example, filling up the wrinkles with Restylane ®.

What is a region?

The treated areas are called ‘regions’. One region can be defined as; the frown lines or the forehead or crow’s feet (around two eyes is regarded as one region). We define this as one unity since one region requires a similar amount of Botox®. Also half regions may be recommended, such as the mouth, the brow lift, chin and wrinkles on the nose. In these treatments is used less substance.

Is it dangerous?

No. Botox® only works on the treated muscle and has no effect on the rest of the body. In rare cases, an adjacent muscle can experience strength reduction. This is temporary and can be treated, if the patient finds this annoying. Side effects apart from the regular mild side effects of the injection do not occur. After the drug wears out, the treated muscle recovers up to 100%.

Does my facial expression disappear?

Until a few years back, you could often see faces that clearly looked too ‘stiff’. Our experience enables a more subtle and yet optimally treatment of wrinkles, without loss of expression. Take the time to express your wishes of what you do or do not want clearly to your doctor.

Is the treatment painful and how do I look after the treatment?

Botox is injected into the muscle with a tiny needle. Most people do not experience this as painful. Optionally, your doctor can use a numbing cream if you are particularly sensitive or anxious. After the treatment, which takes about five minutes, the skin may be somewhat red as a reaction to the sting. This usually disappears within an hour. Very occasionally a small blue spot arises, which disappears within 3 to 5 days.

What should I do after treatment?

The first 2 to 4 hours after treatment, the treated muscles should be tightened quite much, so we recommend a lot of frowning, laughing or raising the forehead, depending on the treated area. Lying down or bending over must be avoided for 2 to 4 hours after the treatment. Make-up or cream may be used an hour after the treatment. Intense pressure or massage of the area should be avoided in the first days after the treatment.

When the effect is visible?

A few days after the treatment, Botox starts to work and muscle activity decreases. After 2 weeks, the effect on the muscle is maximum, the wrinkles are already much less deep. This is the moment to assess the outcome of the treatment in terms of muscle function. If you wish, you can discuss with your doctor whether or not it is necessary to perform a correction treatment during a check-up consultation. During the active periods, your skin will gradually become more smoothly.

How long does the effect last?

The effect on the muscle takes 3 to 6 months. It is quite often the case that the effect per-sists longer after multiple treatments. In order to maintain the desired result, most people will need a new treatment every 6 to 9 months. Deep wrinkles can be treated more often in the beginning, every 3 to 4 months.

Can I immediately go into the sun or in a tanning bed?

Yes. However, it is recommended that if a blue spot has risen, the skin should be protected with a high factor. When blue spots are exposed to UV rays they can turn into dark spots.

What is the effect of Botox on migraine?

Scientific research shows that about 70% of migraine patients undergoing Botox treatment experience significantly less pain during the active period of headaches.

What is the effect of Botox on sweat glands?

When Botox is injected into the skin superficially, it blocks the nerve impulse from the nerve to the sweat gland. With excessive or bothersome perspiration (underarms, hands, feet), Botox reduces sweat production by about 95% for an average of 6 to 12 months.

Opening Hours

KiesQ Dental Care is open from monday to friday. Dental Care is available from 7.30am tot 8.30pm.

Call us at +31 (0)70 324 13 19